Kline Q&A Here’s What’s Happening in the Mosquito Control Industry

Kline Q&A: Here’s What’s Happening in the Mosquito Control Industry

In a recent survey of more than 500 pest control operators, we asked some key questions about everyone’s least favorite picnic guest: mosquitoes. The results are in, and Laura Mahecha, Director of our Agrochemicals sector, is offering insight on the industry in this Q&A: 

1. What’s the status of mosquito control demand?

A total of 43% of respondents indicate that the number of treatments they have applied has increased over the last two years.  Some of the reasons for increased usage were attributed to more demand and heightened incidences of mosquitoes; work-from-home situations led to people paying more attention to the pests.  

2. Aside from chemical products, are there any other means that professionals use to control mosquitoes?  

Yes — about half of the PCOs surveyed use heat devices, 41% use motion sensors, 39% use infrared devices, and 17% use other non-chemical methods.   

3. Have there been any shifts in usage?
Nearly half of the PCOs surveyed say they treat for mosquitoes using both adulticides and larvicides.

4. We’ve all heard of Zika virus and West Nile virus, but how prevalent are they?

On average, approximately 35% of respondents from all regions indicate the presence of West Nile virus, which originates in birds such as crows and jays and is spread to mosquitoes when they bite infected birds. Regions with the highest presence are the Northeast at 48.7% and the South at 40.8%. As for Zika virus, 33% of respondents indicate that it’s present in their area, with a higher prevalence from PPMs in the West, as reported by 44%.  

5. When it comes to sales of insecticides and adulticides, which brands are leading in the market?

It is a fairly fragmented market among pest management professionals, but Evergreen, Pyrocide, and Onslaught are leading brands from MGK. Other major brands include Alpine from BASF, along with generics. 

Kline is currently conducting a new survey of mosquito abatement districts and mosquito vector control professionals around the country – the information will be used in the upcoming Mosquito Control: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities report​. This comprehensive analysis examining  pesticides used for mosquito control by local and state governments, provides suppliers and formulators with the latest information on product usage with a breakdown of  adulticides, barrier treatments, and larvicides. ​The report is scheduled for publication in Q3; for more information, contact us.