Global Seed Treatment

The Seeds of Change – Global Seed Treatment Market Exceeds $2.6 Billion.

As the fastest growing segment of the agricultural input industry, the $2.6 billion global seed treatment market continues to be recognized as a cost-effective and environmentally favorable means of increasing crop productivity according to Kline’s imminent Seed Treatment Global Series: Market Analysis and Opportunities report.

Technology and licensing fees of genetically engineered seed traits have further significantly increased the cost of seed, consequently growers are much motivated to reduce seeding rates and encourage greater efficiency to reduce costs. To this end improved seed treatments and the use of overtreatments – often combining fungicides, insecticides and nematicides – are allowing growers to protect seedlings, minimize plant losses and ensure adequate plant stand to maximize yields.

Since the largest seed companies are also crop protection companies, this has allowed pragmatic and effective integration of the two technologies – seed and crop protection products – that can ultimately simplify procedures for farmers by offering a coordinated and all-inclusive approach to enhance crop yield and minimize seed/seedling losses.

Kline’s research has also revealed the growing significance of application equipment. Seed loading of multiple products at very low rates and with great accuracy has made it near impossible for farmers to treat their seed accordingly. However seed companies and specialist treaters can afford to invest in equipment to treat large volumes with the accuracy and safety required, resulting in major growth in equipment for regional/local retailers and seed dealers/distributors so they can apply the new more demanding products and so meet particular local needs.

Kline’s Seed Treatment Global Series: Market Analysis and Opportunities covers the 2011 marketing year and offers a comprehensive analysis designed to provide crop protection suppliers with the latest information on the size, structure, and outlook for the seed treatment pesticide market in major country/crop markets across the globe.