Turf and Ornamentals Country Previews

Turf and Ornamentals Country Previews: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom

Learn more about the turf and ornamentals market in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.


In France, in 2016-2017, the overall market for turf and ornamental pesticides is estimated at USD 10 million. Horticultural nurseries and greenhouses remain by far the largest segment and account for 60% of the total market, or about USD 6 million in sales value. Herbicides is the most used category of pesticides in the segment with sales of about USD 5.0 million. Golf courses represent the second-largest segment, generating slightly above USD 2 million, or nearly one-fourth of the total market for pesticides in France in 2016-2017. Fungicides and herbicides account for the bulk of sales in the segment, while insecticides are more restrictively used. The lawn care segment is the last of the three considered, generating slightly above USD 1 million, divided almost equally by herbicides and fungicides.

In France, the professional turf and ornamental markets for pesticides are forecast to decrease by 3.7% by 2021. The strongest decline in the use of pesticides is expected to occur in the horticultural nurseries and greenhouses segment, with total sales value dropping by 2.5% per annum to 2021.


The pesticides market for professional turf management, horticultural nurseries, and greenhouses in Germany is estimated to be above USD 20 million in 2016-2017. In this report, the market is divided into three main segments: lawn care at golf courses is valued at above 5% of the total market, other lawn care accounts for over 15%, and the largest segment, horticultural nurseries and greenhouses, is responsible for over three-fourths of the market. Herbicides is the top-selling product type, followed by insecticide and fungicide products.

In the next five years, sales of pesticides to the average German greens keeper will likely stagnate. New fungicide products will likely increase the effectiveness of treatment, while neither the number of hectare treatments nor the annual expenditures will expand significantly. Some growth will be generated by the emergence of new golf courses.


The ornamental pesticide market in Italy is estimated at over USD 40 million in 2016. The insecticides segment leads the market with nearly 40% of the total market, followed by herbicides with an estimated 35%. The ornamental fungicides segment is the smallest segment, estimated with slightly above a one-fourth share of the market.

The pesticides market for professional ornamental markets is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 2.4%. Herbicides are expected to have the highest CAGR of 6.9%, while the insecticide market will show a slight decrease, and fungicides will show a CAGR of 1.3%.


The professional turf control and nurseries and greenhouses market in Spain is valued over USD 10 million. The largest segment is nurseries and greenhouses, which accounts for about 80% of the total market sales. Sales for the golf market are 14.0% of the total, and the other lawn care segment accounts for 5.5% of the total sales. Regarding product categories, insecticides are the largest pesticides sold, accounting for over half of the total sales, followed by fungicides, representing over 30% of the total sales.

The professional turf and ornamental market for chemical pesticides in Spain is estimated to decrease by 1.3% by 2022. However, the three segments included in the study are expected to exhibit very different scenarios.

Golf courses are expected to see an increase in the use of pesticides. The horticultural segment will face a reduction in chemical pesticides used. Furthermore, the lawn care segment is expected to witness a decrease in pesticide utilization over the next five years.

United Kingdom

Total sales of pesticides to the professional turf and ornamental markets are estimated at over USD 15 million at the manufacturers’ level in 2016. Overall sales of pesticides have declined in the United Kingdom since 2013, due to the trend of minimizing pesticide usage because environmental concerns, as well as finding alternate methods to control pests. For the same reasons, insecticides are no longer used in the United Kingdom for turf and ornamental care.

Sales of herbicides to golf courses are estimated to register a strong growth rate of 4.2% between 2016-2021. Turf needs to be maintained to provide a smooth playing surface, which is possible by using pesticides that control the growth of unwanted weeds at regular intervals of time. As a result, the use of pesticides will increase in golf courses. Sales of herbicides for lawn care are expected to grow at a rate of 3.4% by 2021. Sales will be driven by increasing demand from businesses and homeowners. Fungicides in lawn care are estimated to grow at a rate of 1.0% by 2021. Sales of fungicides are likely to be driven by the increasing need for curbing diseases in plants.

Nonetheless, horticultural nurseries and greenhouses are forecast to witness slow growth as compared to other segments. This is because nurseries are adopting more biological methods for treating plants, such as introducing nematodes that will eat harmful pests.

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