Polymers for Solubility Enhancement

Polymers for Solubility Enhancement Will Drive the Oral Solid Dosage Forms Market, According to Kline

Poor solubility has been a major challenge in the formulation development for oral solid dosage form (OSDF) pharmaceuticals, a preferred route for pharmaceutical consumption. Various methods have been researched to improve solubility of poorly soluble API and among these the use of polymers for solubility enhancement in solid dispersions is among the most popular. Identifying the importance of the trend and to fulfill inadequately assessed market for polymers for solubility enhancement, global consulting and research firm Kline & Company is announcing the undertaking of a comprehensive study on Polymers for Solubility Enhancement in Pharmaceutical Oral Solid Dosage Forms: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities. The study will cover current and forecast demand by major products, supplier sales, and technical and market trends, as well as market opportunities and challenges for manufacturers of these polymers worldwide.

Oral administration is a natural means of consumption and is best for chronic drug therapy. In addition, the manufacturing of OSDF can be an advantage compared to other dosage forms; positively impacting the price of pharmaceutical products. Nikola Matic, Industry Manager at Kline’s Chemicals & Materials practice, states, “After having pushed in the direction of OSDFs for many years, the pharmaceutical industry now faces a dilemma stemming from the poor solubility of an increasing number of new drugs. Furthermore, of about 80-90% of products in the research and development pipeline are reported to be poorly soluble in water. As a result, this triggers low oral bioavailability and could in turn jeopardize the development of new drugs.” Solubility is growing in importance and those who are able to capitalize on the potential that these enhancers bring to the table will see its inherent value. “Solubility enhancement is becoming a must for pharmaceutical companies and an area representing vast growth potential for chemical suppliers since tomorrow’s block-busters will most likely make use of one of the possible technologies to increase dissolution rate,” adds Matic.

This is a complex topic and today’s reality can quickly evolve into something different tomorrow as the industry experiences trends and innovations that influence its course. Kline’s Polymers for Solubility Enhancement in Pharmaceutical Oral Solid Dosage Forms: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities report will introduce all available technology and present their advantages and/ or constraints and will focus on the polymers available for solubility enhancement through solid dispersion. The report will provide insights into the global market and regional specificities for solubility enhancement and provide a comprehensive overview of the markets’ present undertakings, and, most importantly, shed light on what lies ahead in the unknown future.

For more information about Polymers for Solubility Enhancement in Pharmaceutical Oral Solid Dosage Forms: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities, please contact our team.  By ordering this report now, you will be able to provide input regarding the scope of the study and shape the report to satisfy your business’s most pressing needs.