Nonprescription Drugs USA 2009 Key Highlights

Private-label OTC Drugs Post Solid Gains in 2008, According to Kline

Private-label OTC medicines were up 8.2% over the same time period, within which antacids and allergy medicines posted the highest growth last year, driven primarily by increases in sales of private-label omeprazole (Procter & Gambles Prilosec OTC) and cetirizine (Johnson & Johnsons Zyrtec).

The following two areas distinctively posted very high growth mainly as a result of Rx-to-OTC switches: allergy, asthma, and sinus medications were up 17.3% as a result of strong sales from Johnson & Johnson’s Zyrtec brand, as well as its equivalent private-label cetirizine; feminine products was the other area that grew 7.3% in 2008 as a result of strong sales growth of personal lubricants, as well as the Rx-to-OTC switch brand Plan B by Barr Laboratories.