Energy conservation and effluent management systems prevalent among commercial laundries

Energy conservation and effluent management systems prevalent among commercial laundries

Kline’s latest I&I cleaning study, Laundry Chemical Products U.S.A.: Market Analysis and Opportunities, was published in September and contains a wealth of information on market sales, growth, forecasts, and insights from more than 500 structured surveys of professional end-use decision makers.

Commercial laundries were asked the importance of various emerging trends, and 55% rated energy saving/conservation as very important. Washing machine servicing is very important to 47% of commercial laundries.  New sources of revenue from more rental activity is rated third, with 45% giving it very important ratings. Cold water washing is aligned with energy savings and is rated fourth in importance.

Green cleaning and sustainability, meanwhile, is far more prevalent with commercial laundries than other end-use segments, with 62% of commercial laundries noting they have effluent management systems. Sixty-one percent of commercial laundries have water recycling/reuse systems. Given that commercial laundries can be a significant user of water and discharger of gray water, government regulations can compel them to adopt these systems and/or there is an economic benefit to having them. Ozone systems are found in 35% of commercial laundry facilities and of those who do not have them, most are not likely to get one.

Overall, for these “green” systems, it appears that the market is mostly penetrated. Most commercial laundries that are interested in or need a system already have one in place; the rest are not likely to add such systems over the next three years.

Many additional insights are included in Kline’s Laundry Chemical Products study. To learn more about this study, please contact us.