The Synthetic Fuel Revolution Navigating New Waters in the Alternative Fuel Landscape

The Synthetic Fuel Revolution: Navigating New Waters in the Alternative Fuel Landscape

In recent weeks, I’ve engaged in a series of enlightening discussions with stakeholders from diverse sectors such as Consumer and Commercial Automotive, Aviation, and Marine. Any guesses on the buzzword that made it into every conversation? It’s ‘new fuels’. Clearly, the topic of alternative fuels is not just gaining traction—it’s increasingly becoming a primary focus. The dialogue around alternative fuels is growing louder and more urgent, reflecting a collective commitment to environmental responsibility across industries.

In Kline’s Green Value Compass Blog Series, we cover several topics associated with alternative fuels. In this blog we touch upon Synthetic Fuels and explore the growing urgency that is driving this ‘Revolution’.

What are Synthetic Fuels?

Imagine a world where your car runs as smoothly as a purring kitten powered solely by air and renewable energy. Too good to be true? Not anymore! Synthetic fuels are derived from carbon dioxide and hydrogen—the hydrogen is sourced from water, and carbon dioxide captured directly from the air or before it can escape industrial flues. The result? A liquid gold that is carbon neutral and can replace traditional gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel without need for any change in existing infrastructure.

But does the Promise of E-fuels Hold enough Weight?

The allure of synthetic fuels lies in their versatility and potential to integrate into existing supply chains and technology. They offer a future where the beloved ICE car engines can coexist with a commitment to the environment. Although this push towards e-fuels may seem less intense today, I believe it’s strong enough to get the ecosystem thinking and acting.

For example, we see automotive giants taking active interest in e-fuels. Porsche, for instance, is not just dipping a toe but diving headfirst into the synthetic fuel pool. Their investment in the Haru Oni project in Chile underscores their belief that e-fuels can significantly reduce carbon emissions without sacrificing performance. On the other hand, BMW has invested in e-fuel startups such as HIF Global and Prometheus Fuels. In a statement, BMW stated that carbon neutral fuels such as e-fuels play an important role in decarbonizing transport and this is why all BMW engines are already approved for e-fuels, provided they comply with the current fuel standard.

On the policy front, low-emission e-fuels are gaining policy recognition as a decarbonization solution, notably in the aviation and marine sectors. For instance, low-emission e-fuels can fulfil the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive and are eligible for tax credits via the US Inflation Reduction Act.  In the automotive space, the European Union has drafted ambitious mandates that now allow sales of new cars with internal combustion engines after 2035, provided they run only on climate neutral e-fuels.

E-fuels also hold a special consideration in national hydrogen strategies. Here, we see countries such as the United States, India, European Union, Japan, and Canada having incorporated e-fuels into their hydrogen strategies and roadmaps to bolster research and development in this field.

Challenges on the Horizon

The road to e-fuel prominence isn’t without its bumps. One of the biggest challenges is the production cost. Synthetic fuels are currently more expensive than conventional fuels due to the high energy input required for their production. Additionally, the process needs to be powered by renewable energy to ensure the fuels’ carbon-neutral status, which adds complexity and costs.

An R&D executive at Porsche, a big investor in e-fuels, notes that the production cost of e-fuel currently stands at slightly above £37 (approximately $47) per imperial gallon. However, they forecast the costs to come down, anticipating it to drop to around £6.30 (about $8).

Another significant hurdle is scaling up. While synthetic fuel production is a scientific triumph, the technology must leap from pilot plants to full-scale production to meet global demand and become economically viable.

The Road Ahead

As we discuss the path forward, last month a pioneer appeared on the horizon: Infinium. They made a groundbreaking announcement that their Project Pathfinder had transformed from a mere blueprint into reality, becoming the world’s first fully operational e-fuels facility located in the heart of Corpus Christi, Texas. This facility offers drop-in ready e-fuels such as sustainable aviation fuel (eSAF) and eDiesel.

As such synthetic fuels gain traction, the question isn’t just when they will become mainstream but how they will navigate the transition. The sector calls for collaboration between industry players and supportive policy frameworks to overcome the challenges and realize the potential of e-fuels.

The automotive industry, once thought to be at odds with the goal of carbon neutrality, could find in synthetic fuels a partner for the future. Companies like Porsche and BMW may well be the torchbearers, leading the way through their investments and research into e-fuels.

In the panorama of green energy solutions, synthetic fuels offer a glimpse of an era where environmental responsibility doesn’t require leaving our love for traditional combustion engines in the rearview mirror. The future may not just be electric—it could be synthetic too. However, while there is hype, there still a long way to go. With continued innovation, supportive policies, and industry commitment, synthetic fuels may have the potential to drive us into a cleaner, greener future.

This blog is a part of our Green Value Compass Series. For timely updates, subscribe here.