CBD for Health and Wellness:

CBD Gets High Ratings, But Questions Remain

As part of our research on CBD for Health and Wellness: U.S. Market Analysis and Opportunities, Kline & Company has completed a second large-scale consumer attitudes and usage study on CBD. Adult U.S. consumers aged 21 and over make up the sample of nearly 700 consumers nationwide. Awareness is widespread and many consumers have tried CBD, but there are still numerous unanswered questions when it comes to usage.

More than 75% of those surveyed have used CBD, with the most common reasons being muscle aches/strains, back pain, anxiety and stress, arthritis pain, and for help sleeping. CBD is perceived by regular users as effective, natural, safe, and easy to use.

Among those who have not used CBD, the following reasons were given:

  • Not sure if CBD is effective
  • Not sure how much CBD to take/dosing
  • Not sure how CBD fits into my health and wellness routine
  • Not sure how to use CBD
  • Not sure if CBD will interact with other products I take

Others express concerns about not knowing if CBD is legal where they live, CBD is too expensive, safety concerns, and concerns about CBD impacting drug test results. Two-thirds of respondents agree that there is some stigma associated with consumer trial or use of CBD because it is closely related to marijuana.

The survey also asked consumers about relative usage of CBD compared to nonprescription drugs and nutritional supplements to understand if CBD is being used in addition to or instead of these other health and wellness products. Other topics covered in the survey include purchase channel preferences, brand awareness, information sources that are most important to CBD shoppers, motivation to purchase and importance of purchase factors, brand satisfaction, and perceptions of CBD compared to nonprescription drugs.

To learn more about CBD for Health and Wellness: U.S. Market Analysis and Opportunities and how this report can help your team prepare for and capitalize on opportunities in CBD, please contact us.