Industrial and Institutional Cleaning Wipes

Claims Made by I&I Wipe Suppliers Extremely Important to Healthcare Sector

We are currently conducting structured surveys with end users of industrial and institutional cleaning wipes. Preliminary findings from the research show that claims made by manufacturers of wipes with regard to disinfecting and sanitizing are extremely important to the healthcare sector.

Survey respondents were asked to rate the importance of 20 various purchase factors when it comes to selecting cleaning wipes, including effectiveness, price, size, brand, texture, durability, scent, convenience, and dry time. Notable among respondents is that the time it takes a wipe to kill pathogens/germs, also known as “dwell time,” is considered very or extremely important among 100% of end users at nursing homes. On the other hand, the types of germs/pathogens wipes claim to kill are considered very or extremely important among 100% of the hospitals surveyed. All nursing homes and doctors’ offices surveyed agree that the number of germs/pathogens killed by wipes is very or extremely important when deciding which wipes to purchase. Similar results were found among the assisted living facilities surveyed.

“These findings are important for two reasons,” says Laura Mahecha, Industry Manager I&I Cleaning Products, Kline Market Research. “First, wipes that make disinfecting and sanitizing claims are very important to end users in the healthcare sector to maintain clean facilities, prevent illness from spreading among patients, and reduce re-infection rates. Second, these end users are often willing to pay more for wipes that make such claims.”

Other trends seen in the preliminary data, particularly in the healthcare sector, show that end users often prefer the convenience and disposability that wipes offer in comparison to traditional cleaning chemicals. The presence of EPA registration for a brand of I&I cleaning wipes is also an important purchase factor with this being rated very or extremely important among 70-83% of respondents from nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and doctors’ offices.

Kline’s first-edition report, Industrial and Institutional Wipes USA: Market Analysis and Opportunities, focuses on key trends, changes, and challenges, as well as business opportunities of this market. The report will help you understand how end users purchase and use disposable cleaning wipes, the role of cleaning contractors, regulatory impacts, and the competitive landscape in this industry. The report will be published in the summer of 2015. For more information, please contact our team.