Tag: seed treatment trends

Seed Treatment in France – 2018 Market Preview. Kline Estimates a CAGR of 22% through 2028 for Biologics.

Gradually implemented regulations are strongly impacting the overall plant protection products market in France. To ensure a better control of the pesticides used in the country, the French government implemented Certiphyto certification, a provision of the national Ecophyto plan. Since 2015, all professional users of pesticides must get the Certiphyto certification to use all types

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Seed Treatment Trends

Seed treatment trends

An increasing range of crops is being impacted by genetic modification, such as sugar beet, and it is expected that the cost of herbicide tolerant hybrid seed will reflect the significant savings possible with post-emergence contact herbicides. As a result there is strong farmer interest to ensure that seed germination and early development are protected from early loss and injury so that seed populations can be optimized.

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