
Explore how to align your 'Green Agenda' with company business goals

The Sustainability Chapter:​ A new agenda in business goals

The energy sector is evolving, but will current industry leaders still have a seat at the table? 

Unlike the past, the sustainability is agenda sits right at the heart of entering boardroom discussions today, but if businesses can’t unlock commercial value from their sustainable investments then their future is uncertain at best.. Over the years, this agenda has moved from living at the periphery to taking the spotlight right at the centre.  

It's time for big bold decisions

Sustainability is opening new business markets, calling for new and cleaner forms of energy, power, and materials. However, there are several technologies and pathways to choose from, several markets to invest into and several new unexplored terrains. 

Take the energy sector for example, we see our energy clients already having kickstarted their sustainability journey into low carbon fuels, carbon sinks (CCS, CCU’s), renewable energy, energy storage, energy distribution and the new mobility space. 

But we believe business leaders are still missing the forest for the trees. 

It’s time to ask: Which among these technologies and markets are here to stay? Which among these will continue to be economically viable?

The Green Value Compass

The Green Value Compass introduces Kline’s unique offering that helps clients unlock commercial value in their sustainability journey.  

We believe the road to sustainability is not set in stone. It’s changing every day. Some technologies that work today won’t work tomorrow. Business leaders need a timely reality check to ensure they are on the right pathway with their wealth i.e. “Your investments and Your customers” 

Losing either of them is NOT AN OPTION.  Our Green Value Compass helps you secure that.