Tag: natural personal care

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InnoCos USA

Make The World A More Beautiful Place, Let’s Meet at InnoCos USA in New York!

Clear July 11 and 12 for InnoCos USA in New York City – an essential Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry rendez-vous!
Kline is proud to be part of this must-attend event for innovation, new product development and marketing for executives in personal care and cosmetics. InnoCos USA is a compelling and valuable opportunity to meet and mold the future, maximize knowledge exchange and to generate actionable results.

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Beauty Retailing: U.S. Channel Analysis and Opportunities

Traditional Beauty Retailers: Take a lesson from alternate channels.

Alternate retail channels are white hot in the beauty business, having grown sales nearly $1 billion since 2005. Instead of trying to figure out how to compete, traditional bricks-and-mortar brands should take a page from the alternate channel playbook and leverage these new opportunities to reach customers at their new favorite place to shop: at home. (Read more…)

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