Industrial robotics

[TREND 12] New Technologies: AI and Robotics

Automation and robotics cost management solutions will increase over the next decade.​

In response to infectious diseases, and particularly COVID-19, the use of robots is growing dramatically as they help fight coronavirus by replacing humans to deliver groceries, sanitize hospitals, and monitor patients.​

Many companies are now implementing new digital technologies like sensors, algorithms, and other advanced tools. Major oil companies are increasingly turning to aerial drones and underwater robots to examine oil platforms and other offshore equipment for safety inspections and emergency response. BP now has Boston Dynamics’ Spot, a robotic dog, deployed on one of its offshore facilities with the goal of improving employee safety and reducing the company’s carbon footprint by utilizing sensor packages such as methane emission-sensing cameras and audio sensors. ​

In agriculture, drone spraying technology and fully automated drone systems for data gaining, processing, and analysis are gaining momentum. In 2020, Bayer entered into an agreement with XAG, a Chinese agricultural technology pioneer, to commercialize and promote digital farming solutions in Southeast Asia and Pakistan. Syngenta is teaming up with the world's largest consumer drone maker, DJI Technology.​

Robotics offer new opportunities for the lubricants industry. Particularly, industrial lubricants will see a significant boost. New industries, such as hydrogen, robotics, and bio-technology, are set to replace some of the lost volume in conventional industries. Industrial output will recover in line with the recovery of export markets.​

Automation in professional cleaning, including auto-scrubbers for floors, electrostatic sprayers, and UVC lights, are increasingly efficiency when cleaning and disinfecting large areas or surfaces in industrial and institutional settings.​

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