Kline & Co. has proven its commitment to sustainability with a spate of recent events.
Late last month, our London team gathered at Romney Marsh in Kent for its third annual Bumblebee Day in support of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. The event, organized by Duncan Lawie, Vice President of Technology, and led by Dr. Nikki Gammans, drew a group of 21 volunteers (including family members).
“We returned to a field that we worked on last year,” says Lawie, who jokes that “we think it might one day be renamed Kline Corner.” “We spent a good part of the day clearing ground and planting Comfrey, as well as preparing ground for other wildflowers, all of which provide great forage for the bumblebees and other pollinators. This also included raking off grass, to a compost area in the corner, as removing the nutrients helps the wildflowers.”
Meanwhile, in Prague, team members just spent the day volunteering at Toulcův dvůr, a non-profit organization that offers environmental programs for children and educational events for the public; it also works to preserve native species of animals from central Europe and preserve natural wetland
After our cohorts spent the day maintaining one of the site’s horse graze areas and helping with compost production, Analyst Carlos Galan, who organized the event, said, “It was a great day to meet up with colleagues and do something special together — we’re hoping to make our visit to Toulcův dvůr an annual event.”
Meanwhile, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) endeavors recently included a “feeding the hungry” initiative. Members of the Kline Analyst Academy in India – a program that offers full-time opportunities to graduates who are looking to kick-start their career in the market research industry — prepared Dal and rice together, then doled out meals to some 250 people at the Old Delhi railway station.
Kline’s commitment to sustainability started gaining traction when Fokus Zukunft was commissioned to evaluate our global operations in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the most widely used and recognized international standard for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions of companies. Kline then implemented major initiatives to help all of offices and employees reduce our carbon footprints.