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What Do People Expect from ‘Clean Label’ Foods & Beverages?

What Do People Expect from ‘Clean Label’ Foods & Beverages?

Within the growing phenomenon of “wellness” and “well-being,” an increasing number of consumers opt for food and beverage products that they perceive to be “clean” or “natural.” Given the absence of the specific definition of “clean,” consumers interpret it in their own way, defining it as products that have “no chemicals/no artificial additives” or “all-natural ingredients.”

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Base oil, base oil everywhere, nor any drop to buy

Base oil, base oil everywhere, nor any drop to buy

In February 2020, European Group I base oil export spot prices were in the low-mid $600/ton range between SN150 and brightstock. Today, solvent neutral cash market prices are double, and brightstocks almost triple, their levels of just a year ago.
The causes of such an explosion in base oil prices are not obvious and go beyond the confines of the base oil business itself. This paper is an attempt to rationalize the complexities.

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Three Key Drivers of the Global Plant-Based Meat Boom

Three Key Drivers of the Global Plant-Based Meat Boom

A considerable number of U.S. consumers are adopting a flexitarian diet, and this change is projected to drive the growth of the global plant-based meat market in the coming years. Furthermore, a notable number of consumers, especially in North America and Europe, are following a vegan diet. Thus, a growing flexitarian, vegan, and vegetarian population is projected to positively impact the global plant-based food industry.

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Forecast to 2024: The Global Plant-Based Meat Market

Forecast to 2024: The Global Plant-Based Meat Market

The rising trend of adopting nutritious and healthy food products due to factors such as rapid urbanization and lifestyle changes has been driving the growth of the plant-based meat industry globally. Plant-based meat analogs are attractive options for consumers who are willing to change their diet and consume less meat but only if proper alternatives are proposed. In the last decade, the range of plant-based meat analogs in the market, developed by the food industry, has been significantly increased, offering products ranging from burgers and chicken to pork, meatballs, and more.

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The Indian Two-Wheeler Market Charges to Sustainability

The Indian Two-Wheeler Market Charges to Sustainability

The Indian lubricants market is the third-largest in the world. Within it, MCO account for 9% of total demand, making it the third-largest product category. Among all lubricants product categories, MCO was one of the least impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and one of the fastest to recover. According to current estimates, the MCO market is growing at 3.7% per year, making it one of the most attractive product segments for lubricants marketers. Growing electrification will change that and create new challenges for market participants.

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The Effects of the Pandemic on Professional Skin Care

The Effects of the Pandemic on Professional Skin Care

THE EFFECTS OF THE PANDEMIC ON PROFESSIONAL SKIN CARE Highlights Report   Despite a challenging year, the professional skin care market continued to register slight increases in established regions, with the United States growing by 0.7%. Telemedicine, curbside pickup, doorship programs, e-commerce solutions, and social media have all helped marketers and skin care professionals keep consumers engaged while

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