Global Biopesticides

Global Biopesticides: Natural Pesticides Market Analysis and Opportunities

Core Markets: Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom), Africa (Morocco, South Africa), Asia (China, India, Japan), Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, United States)
Emerging Markets: Europe (Bulgaria, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey), Americas (Colombia, Peru)

Core Markets
Base Year: 2021
Published: November 2022

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Emerging Markets
Base Year: 2024
To be Published: Q4 2024

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This report provides an analysis of the growing biopesticides market. It includes technology descriptions, company profiles, and end-use analysis of product pest targets, while providing an outlook and product category forecast for each country/market segment and company. 



  • The biopesticides market situation for each country
  • Sales segmented for each country by crop group 
  • Information on key diseases and pests treated with biopesticides
  • Sales of biological insecticides, nematicides, fungicides, herbicides, and seed treatment products 

Technologies included: 

  • Microbial species, such as beneficial fungi, viruses, or bacteria, acting as pesticides; examples include Bacillus, Beauvaria, and Trichoderma
  • Natural materials with pesticidal properties, such as diatomaceous earth
  • Plant extracts, such as neem, pyrethrum, and others, as appropriate
  • Minerals including copper and sulfur
  • Biochemicals including Spinosad, abamectin, and pheromones​

Table of Contents

Introduction ​​

Executive Summary

An overview of the report findings plus a forecast

Individual Reports

For each country, the following market segments are covered (where appropriate):

  • Field Crops
  • Orchard
  • Vegetables
  • Specialty
  • Non-Crop
  • Biological Seed Treatment

End-Use Analysis

Each country/market segment contains the following information (where appropriate):

  • Country Background
  • Biological Pesticides Overview
  • Regulatory Overview

For each application:

  • Pest and Diseases Treated
  • Sales by Brand 
  • Sales by Active Ingredient 
  • Sales by Supplier
  • Treated Acres 
  • Outlook for Biopesticide Sales by Segment for the Next Five Years


Includes an interactive database which will allow subscribers to customize data to fit their needs


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