Category: Beauty and Wellbeing

How Indie Brands Helped Power the Clean Beauty Market

How Indie Brands Helped Power the Clean Beauty Market

The market for clean beauty (or natural personal care products) rebounded strongly in 2021 – and our research shows that the increase was greatly due to indie beauty brands.  Compared to 2020, clean beauty saw a boost of 10% in 2021; several of the strongest gains upwards of 100% year-over-year growth were experienced by indies,

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medical dispensing skin care global

Medical Dispensing Skin Care: 5 Ways to Generate New Demand

The medical care providers channel has been the shining star of the professional skin care market for several years, registering double-digit growth in 2021 to reach $2.3 billion, according to our Medical Dispensing Skin Care: Global Market Brief report. While the COVID-19 pandemic caused physicians around the world to temporarily shutter their doors, opportunities nevertheless arose, resulting in an unprecedented global surge in sales

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Beauty & Personal Care Segment

Beauty & Personal Care: Top 10 Picks for 2021

Despite having taken some hard hits during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Beauty & Personal Care segment continues to not only thrive but remains one of the fastest-growing consumer markets. Increases are being fueled not only by young consumers entering the market but by the aging population, with both ends of the spectrum equally as focused on taking care of themselves and looking their best. The gradual consumer shift toward

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prioritizing sustainability beauty and personal care

How Beauty and Personal Care’s Heavy Hitters Are Prioritizing Sustainability

Corporations are increasingly building sustainability into their strategies as a core tenet of their identities and how they conduct their businesses. Further, many governments, citizens, and other stakeholders want to see corporations demonstrate concern for their communities, with ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economic sustainability all being pressing concerns.

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U.S. beauty device market

5 of the Brightest Lights in the U.S. Beauty Device Market

It’s not just holiday lights that are twinkling throughout the land right now — LEDs of all different wavelengths and hues are glowing in at-home beauty devices like never before. “With LED therapy being viewed as a must-have in skin care by brands and consumers alike, it’s not surprising that this technology continues to gain

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The Top Ten Aesthetic Services Consumer Want in 2022

The Top 10 Aesthetic Services Consumers Want In 2022

According to results from our Professional Skin Care: U.S. Attitudes and Behaviors Survey, consumers are planning to greatly increase their expenditures on non-invasive aesthetic services in 2022 compared to 2021 — and we know exactly what they’ll be spending their money on.

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Beauty Forum Munich

These Skin-Saving Products Were Just Unveiled at Beauty Forum Munich

Beauty Forum Munich — touted as the largest autumn professional beauty fair in the DACH region — returned this year, to much fanfare. After a two-year absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, much had changed — including the fact that the more than 1,460 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors were wearing face masks.    “On the heels of an extremely difficult year, the event provided an especially wonderful opportunity for in-person interactions with industry players in the professional skin care

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