Industry: Chemicals & Materials

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Biologics: Market Opportunities for Chemical Suppliers

The influx of biologics in the drug development pipeline is creating new opportunities for various chemical products along the entire value chain. The opportunities lie for not only chemicals used as key components of finished biologic drug dosage but also the ingredients that play an important role in the development and manufacturing of the drug itself. With this study, Kline provides a comprehensive assessment of opportunities created by biologics for chemicals suppliers.

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Navigating the Potential Impact of Brexit on the Chemicals and Allied Industries

Brexit stands for British exit from the European Union. In order to calm the rising Euroscepticism of his own party and of vocal rival parties, such as the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Prime Minister Cameron announced in January 2013 his intention to give U.K. voters the opportunity to decide in a referendum on whether the United Kingdom should be IN or OUT of the European Community. On June 23, 2016, the result was that the electorate voted to leave the EU by a narrow margin of 51.89% to 48.11%. In fact, the majority in England and Wales were in favor of leaving, while the majority in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain. Cameron had taken a risky gamble on the referendum and had underestimated the strength of Brexit feeling in certain parts of the United Kingdom. He paid for this miscalculation with his own political career. 

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Shaking Things Up: How Smart Companies Overcome Industry Stagnation through M&A

Shaking Things Up: How Smart Companies Overcome Industry Stagnation through M&A

Every industry goes through a similar lifecycle, from emerging to evolving, then reaching maturity and finally, decline. Early on, new players enter the market, taking advantage of the broad opportunities that exist during the emerging and evolving phases and often driving stellar growth in the process.

On the road to maturity, consolidation inevitably shifts the balance of market share into the hands of a few key players, just as we’ve seen over the last few decades in the chemicals industry and more recently in consumer products, such as the U.S. toothpastes market, in which three companies control about 80% of the market share. This consolidation typically occurs through M&A, which can breathe new life into stalled portfolios and re-ignite revenue growth. But how do you know when it’s time to pursue this strategy? And what kind of specific challenges can M&A help solve?

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Trade Secrets: Seven Key Details You Must Know About Your Competition

Trade Secrets: Seven Key Details You Must Know About Your Competition

Competitive knowledge is critical for every business in order to maintain market positioning, develop and fine-tune new product, business, and pricing strategies, improve cost position, and make capacity decisions. Knowing what your competitors are doing right now—or planning to do in the future—enables your company to make smarter, more proactive decisions to stay ahead, rather than constantly playing catch-up.

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