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Over 60 years guiding the lubricant value chain with insights and strategic advice

Kline is a leading insights firm offering a complete spectrum of services in market intelligence and related advisory services across the lubricant value chain and key end-use applications. For over 60 years we’ve offered a range of products and bespoke research or consulting capabilities to generate tangible and sustainable outcomes.

Focusing on pragmatic and actionable recommendations rooted in robust and timely market intelligence, we’ve delivered value for 80% of the top twenty lubricant producers. With over 30 products covering all key market segments, we are the foremost experts in the lubricants industry.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo."
Yana Wilkinson
Vice President and Practice Head, Energy


Examples of our consulting experience are provided below. Please contact us to learn more about our project work and capabilities.


Examples of our consulting experience are provided below. Please contact us to learn more about our project work and capabilities.

Products & Services

Examples of our consulting experience are provided below. Please contact us to learn more about our project work and capabilities.

Finished Lubricants

  • Strategy support: identification of premium “Value Pools” within industrial sectors (e.g., mining, power, etc.) at the intersection of product and application
  • Market intelligence: deep dive into opportunities in greases by market, sector, and product type
  • Market intelligence: identification, profiling, and screening of distributors
  • Strategy support: e-commerce opportunities for consumer lubricants in China
  • Forecasting/ predictive analytics: industry sector specific Futurecasting, with impact on lubricants, to understand shift from product to service and emergence of the solution-based model
  • Strategy support: strategy review for European-based global lubricants player
  • Technology & innovation: R&D strategy and roadmap review for Asian lubricant company in light of long-term market trends
  • Strategy support: finding profitability improvement levers for global major’s industrial lubricants business
  • Strategy development: growth strategy development for large regional lubricant blender (Middle East) outside of their home market
  • M&A advisory: M&A opportunities Chinese metalworking fluids market

Lubricant Basestocks

  • M&A due diligence: detailed market analysis of re-refining operation and determining market potential for basestock re-refinery
  • Forecasting/ predictive analytics: evaluating baseoil market outlook and creating a customized price forecasting model for a large European baseoil producer
  • Strategy support: lube block profitability analysis and operations optimization strategy for a European GI refinery
  • Market intelligence: market analysis high viscosity base oil Group II
  • Forecasting/ predictive analytics: 15 year finished lubricant and base oil forecast
  • Market intelligence: Egypt base oil market study
  • Market intelligence: Group III base oils market assessment
  • Strategy support: Base oil supply strategy
  • Strategy support: Group III base oils marketing assessment

Specialty Products

  • Strategy support: opportunity identification in PE waxes, including evaluation of market potential and entry requirements
  • Technology & innovation: market potential and penetration curve modeling for novel bio-based molecule
  • Market intelligence: MC wax pricing analysis (SO1650)
  • Market intelligence: Analysis PAO business strategy for selected competitors
  • Market intelligence: wax pricing (China market analysis)
  • Strategy support: PAO outlook to 2050
  • Strategy support: FT was pricing model (base model and updates)
  • Market intelligence: wax emulsion market study
  • Market intelligence: profiles of major lubricant additive distributors in S. Korea
  • Market intelligence: market assessment of performance additive ins metalworking fluids
  • Market intelligence: global market and outlook for base oils and waxes

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Our clients in the lubricants, baseoils, and additives value chain require pragmatic and impactful ways to direct their strategies and commercial practices toward achieving the SDGs and carbon impact objectives relative to their industries. The paths that they set today will be of critical importance as regulators, investors, customers, and employees demand transparency, commitment, and a clearly defined, measurable plan of action.

Key People

Vice President and Practice Head, Energy

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.