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Beauty Devices: Revealing the Inner Aesthetician of U.S. and Chinese Consumers

Beauty Devices: Revealing the Inner Aesthetician of U.S. and Chinese Consumers

BEAUTY DEVICES: Revealing the Inner Aestheticianof U.S. and Chinese Consumers Highlights Report   The onset of the coronavirus pandemic forced consumers to adopt at-home beauty regimens to maintain social distancing. Many turned to beauty gadgets to keep up with their normal skin care routines, and to mimic the results they previously obtained in professional outlets. According

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Personalized Nutrition Gains Momentum

Personalized Nutrition Gains Momentum

  PERSONALIZED NUTRITION USA Complimentary Presentation Personalized nutrition is one of the top trends in health and wellness. To date, the personalized nutrition market has been dominated by startups and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies that are experimenting with various technologies and products.​ The vibrant startup scene and active venture capital investors have led to widespread

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Urbanization and Industrialization Driving Lubricants Market of ASEAN

Urbanization and Industrialization Driving Lubricants Market of ASEAN

The manufacturing sector in the United States accounts for a shrinking share of the U.S. economy, a fact that is much rued by observers. The upheaval caused by COVID-19 has been a bitter pill to swallow for many manufacturers, who are now evaluating questions such as: How has U.S. manufacturing been impacted in 2020, and what will be the implications of the current situation in the short-term future? How will this impact the market for lubricants, base oils, and additives?

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The Birth of a Hydrogen Economy?

The Birth of a Hydrogen Economy?

In July 2020, the EU announced its hydrogen policy. Will a hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe work and where the biggest impact will be felt. And what does it mean to the lubricants industry?

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EU's plan for a Hydrogen Economy and its impact on energy business

The Birth of a Hydrogen Economy?

In July 2020, the EU announced its hydrogen policy to achieve a carbon-neutral economy. Several countries, including Australia and Japan, have issued such policies in the past. The EU policy is different in that it is more comprehensive and takes an integrated approach to reducing carbon footprints. The policy, issued as part of the EU’s

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EV Fluids Will Spark Battery Electric Vehicle Sales

EV Fluids Will Spark Battery Electric Vehicle Sales

Advanced electric vehicle fluids are set to help overcome the key barriers to the wide adoption of full-battery electric vehicles. Sharbel Luzuriaga, Project Manager at Kline, reveals findings of the latest electric vehicle fluids market research and explains how these high-value, specialized fluids could play a crucial role in accelerating BEV adoption. Tightening CO2 emissions

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Lubricant Suppliers Find New Growth Opportunities

Lubricant Suppliers Find New Growth Opportunities

In its latest report, Kline forecasts volume growth in the global lubricants market to remain essentially flat for the foreseeable future. While that may have been expected, George Morvey, Kline’s Energy Industry Manager, says that what might be less apparent is how suppliers must look even more closely for key indicators of change to seize

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