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Janitorial Cleaning Products

Acute/Long-term Care Facilities Drive Growth of Janitorial Cleaning Products

Hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities are among the end-use segments that are driving gains in the dollar volume of janitorial cleaning products. The market for janitorial cleaning products accounts for about one-third of the overall market for industrial and institutional cleaning products and is estimated at $4 billion in 2014.

The use of janitorial cleaners in acute care settings, such as hospitals, are increasing as these facilities aim to maintain cleanliness, kill germs, and reduce patient readmission rates. Hand-care products are the primary drivers of janitorial cleaning products growth in the hospitals. Demand for hand-care products that spiked in 2009 following the outbreak of the H1N1 virus began to drop significantly in post-pandemic period through 2010, but still outpaces all other product categories as hospitals try to reduce the presence of pathogens and infectious diseases.Continue reading

Fall’s Beauty Regimens

Back to School, Back to Fall’s Beauty Regimens

During the summer, beauty routines may have lightened up a bit as the skin, hair, and nails are caressed by the sun’s rays and glow naturally thanks to a range of freshly available summer season fruits and vegetables. With the beginning of back to school and office time, the desire to look as beautiful this fall as in the summer is about to reinstate daily beauty routines and maybe add a few new products to the mix.Continue reading

Global Lubricant Basestocks: Market Analysis and Opportunities

Kline’s August Index of Base Stock Production and Re-refining Cash Margins Shows Temporarily Improved Returns for VGO Refiners and Re-refiners

In January,  Kline & Company, a worldwide consulting and research firm serving needs of organizations in the lubricants and base stocks industry, introduced its monthly  Base Stock Margin Index, a characterization of recent cash margin contributions in the U.S. base oil market over the past 24 months.

The Index estimates cash margin contributions associated with U.S. Group II base stock production. It simulates EBITDA before the deduction of corporate SG&A expenses for typical VGO-based virgin base stock plants and RFO-based re-refineries. Continue reading

The Professional Hair Care Market

The Professional Hair Care Market in the United Arab Emirates and South Africa: Resemblance, Uniqueness, and Duality

Among the 21 markets covered in our recently published Salon Hair Care 2013 Global Series: Market Analysis and Opportunities, two are very interesting and different from the ones analyzed so far: United Arab Emirates and South Africa. Even though they seem at the first glance similar to a few other markets, especially the Western ones due to the strong dominance of salon hair care multinationals such as L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble, and Henkel, a different picture is revealed when one takes a deeper look.

The most important feature of the salon hair care market in the United Arab Emirates (as well as another Middle Eastern country we profiled in 2012 – Saudi Arabia) and South Africa is the strong duality of salons serving two different consumer groups.Continue reading

Beauty Retailing

2014 Beauty Acquisition Spree Continues, Plus Up-and-coming Players to Keep an Eye On

After a lull following the global recession of 2009, merger and acquisition activity heated back up in 2013 and strongly continues into 2014. Among the most notable transactions so far this year are Henkel’s acquisition of three U.S. professional hair care brands, Sexy Hair, Alterna, and Kenra; Bayer’s purchase of Merck’s OTC and consumer care business, including Coppertone and Dr. Scholl’s; and L’Oréal’s purchase of NYX Cosmetics. The beauty industry has clearly emerged from the recession with a number of buyers that have significant cash on the books who are searching for attractive (and often smaller, niche) beauty brands and are willing to pay more than in previous years. As such, brands that were previously off the market are reconsidering availability.Continue reading

professional skin and nail care markets, salon hair care market

Professional Beauty is Just Getting Warmed Up

The U.S. beauty industry has gotten off to a slow start in 2014 due to severe winter conditions and record low temperatures across much of the country, which kept consumers indoors and out of stores. As a result, many packaged goods categories showed soft sales in Q1, and the professional beauty segment is no exception. Things seem to have picked up in Q2, and Kline is optimistic that momentum will continue into the second half of the year.

Final results are still in the works, but Kline’s preliminary research points to a low, single-digit increase for the U.S. professional beauty market for the first half of the year.Continue reading

Finding the Gems in the Global Market for Professional Skin Care Products

Finding the Gems in the Global Market for Professional Skin Care Products

In 2013, the global professional skin care market performed at its best, posting moderate growth to reach almost $6 billion. Findings from our recently published Professional Skin Care Global Series: Market Analysis and Opportunities reveal that among the reasons behind this growth are solid gains in four emerging markets representing gems of opportunities for beauty marketers – Indonesia, Thailand, Poland, and Russia.

An improved level of treatment services and equipment used by skin care professionals, as well as rising disposable income, leads to consumers flocking to the professional sector for treatment of their skin care concerns.Continue reading

Italian Seed Treatment Market

Italian Seed Treatment Market

The sales value of the seed treatment market in Italy based on corn and potatoes is estimated at EUR 4.0 million in 2013. Potatoes have a much smaller area treated, but a significantly larger amount per hectare value, resulting in a larger sales value.

Corn and potatoes have the largest amount of hectares treated in Italy in 2013, with approximately 90% of the corn and about 80% planted potatoes receiving a seed treatment application. These seed treatments can be fungicide only, followed by an insecticide seed treatment application, or the two can be applied in a combination treatment.

The most used seed treatment fungicide on a hectare treated basis is Syngenta’s Celest XL, used mainly on corn, accounting for over 90% of the seed treatment fungicide market in Italy.Continue reading

French Seed Treatment Market

French Seed Treatment Market

The largest market for pesticides in Europe, France is valued at over EUR 200 million in 2013. In comparison to 2012, the French seed treatment market in 2013 is steady, driven by few developments and innovations. The overall supply is adequate to the demand. In 2013, the largest seed supplier in France is Limagrain. The trend of farmers using certified seeds increases over 50% and over 40% for the save/bin run. While the popular trend toward growing hybrid seeds is taking deeper roots in 2013, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are banned from use in the country. Moreover, the French Ministry is aiming for significant reductions in the use of chemical pesticides in the country with the Phytoplan 2018, outlining vast opportunities for the biopesticides, and non chemical treatments.

Wheat has the largest number of hectares treated, accounting for over 50% of the total seed treatment value in France. Fungicides account for the largest coverage of seed treatment hectares, with over 7 million hectares treated.Continue reading

New Products + Consumer Education: The Keys to Success for At-home Beauty Device Market in 2014

New Products + Consumer Education: The Keys to Success for At-home Beauty Device Market in 2014

Building on a solid foundation, the at-home beauty devices market continues to gain prominence globally. Marketers continue to lure consumers this year with improved technologies on existing products, new entries altogether, and high-priced anti-aging devices that utilize laser technology.

To date, cleansing seems to be the sweet spot for beauty marketers as Estée Lauder’s Clinique enters the fray with its Clinique Sonic System Purifying Cleansing Brush priced at $89.50. The well-known skin care brand promotes its new device with its well-known existing skin care regimen. Market leader Clarisonic continues its global expansion, aggressively promotes its line in the United States and introduces its Smart Profile Face Brush. The face brush is based on a Radio-Frequency Identification Communication Chip that allows it to automatically adjust speed, frequency, and cleansing time for specific areas of the face.Continue reading