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Breaking Beauty: The Elements of Cosmoprof North America

Breaking Beauty: The Elements of Cosmoprof North America

Two parts professional hair, nails, and tools, one part cosmetics and personal care, and a dash of wellness and spa, and you’ve got the formula for success at Cosmoprof North America 2014. While certainly less controversial than Walter White’s coveted recipe, some of this year’s exhibiters have cooked up concoctions featuring elements from the periodic table that are almost as fascinating.Continue reading

Skin Care Physicians

Dispensing Skin Care Physicians Moving Up to the Next Level

Almost one-fourth of dispensing physicians generate over 15% of their revenue from the sales of skin care products. Nearly three-fourths of dispensing physicians want to increase this proportion in 2014 finds Kline’s survey based on hundreds of in-depth interviews with dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and medical spas that sell professional skin care products to their patients. The survey pinpoints which factors are most important when doctors deliberate whether to continue, eliminate, or adopt a new brand.

Contrary to popular belief, the strongest performance scores do not belong to the most renowned brands in the industry, but to medium-sized brands, some of which are relative newcomers. Continue reading

Brazilian Seed Treatment Market

Brazilian Seed Treatment Market

Agribusiness represents 20% of the Brazilian GDP. One of the factors contributing to the continuing strength of Brazil in the growing global grain market is the rapid adoption of high value seeds. With Brazilian grain production narrowly focused on maize and soybeans, virtually every seed gets treated, often more than once before it is planted.  Kline estimates that nearly 45 million hectares planted received a seed treatment in 2013. Of course, with multiple treatments and crops added, such as rice and cotton, as many as 81 million hectare treatments were made to seeds in 2013.

The total seed treatment market is over USD 600 million in 2013. In terms of seed treatment fungicides, the main fungicide on a hectare treated basis is Maxim XL.Continue reading

Brazilian Seed Treatment Market

Argentinean Seed Treatment Market

Argentina is a diverse agricultural economy, producing both grains such as maize, sorghum, and wheat, and oilseeds such as soybeans and sunflowers.  Argentina’s strategic location in the Southern half of South America give it a major role in off season crop production when no grain or oilseeds are being produced in the Northern hemisphere.  Most of the seeds planted to the broad list of crops receive a seed treatment package to address a number of threats to the seedlings.  In fact, the Argentinean seed treatment expenditures by seed producers and channel partners exceeded USD 100 million in 2013.

In general terms, the 2013/14 crop season is affected by world commodity prices, local currency valuation, export taxes and export quotas for corn and wheat, and to variable weather patterns which in the past several crop seasons has had a significant impact onproduction in different areas and crops.

Some 32 million hectares are planted with corn, sorghum, soybean, sunflower, and wheat in Argentina in 2013. A majority of corn and sunflowers are treated with seed treatment chemicals.  The average area of wheat, sorghum, and soybeans is lower, averaging 80% (wheat) to 90% (sorghum and soybeans)Continue reading

Zooming in on Beauty’s Alternate Channels

Zooming in on Beauty’s Alternate Channels

The world of beauty moves fast. A short decade ago, mass outlets and department stores were practically the only places U.S. consumers shopped at for beauty products. The Internet was in its infancy and touted by many in the cosmetics and fragrance industry as being “negligible” or “insignificant” since the play and scent factors were missing. Specialty stores emerged as a channel to be taken seriously, but to this day, these outlets continue to mystify industry players while their market share steadily rises. Television shopping has also since established itself as a credible outlet, thanks to the seemingly overnight success of infomercial brand Proactiv. Today, these newer, alternate channels have become even more important, while fresh retail concepts like mobile shopping have emerged.Continue reading

Expanding Distribution at CosmeBio Event

Another Shade of Green: Focus on Expanding Distribution at CosmeBio Event

This year, CosmeBio, the leading organic cosmetics professional association and a founding member of the European group which developed the European COSMOS-standard, held its assembly on June 17 in Paris. At this year’s event, the spotlight was on CosmeBio’s activity in 2013, as well as the organization’s future plans focused on improving the recognition of the CosmeBio label on the international scale.

For the attendees of the CosmeBio’s assembly this year, a priority for the future has been set: to increase the focus on radical re-distribution of their brands.Continue reading

The FIFA World Cup Isn’t the Only Hot Thing Happening in Brazil: Keratin’s Back in the Game!

The FIFA World Cup Isn’t the Only Hot Thing Happening in Brazil: Keratin’s Back in the Game!

Findings from Kline’s Salon Hair Care Brazil 2013 report show that it is not only the soccer ball that’s in the game, but also the professional hair care market with fresh reinforcements.

Brazil is the motherland of Keratin-based straightening, giving the “Brazilian straightening” name to the procedure, as well as several products. Being a hot trend a few years ago, the market for hair straightening products was severely hurt by issues related to formaldehydrate and its side effects that gave a new, bad image to Keratin-based straightening systems. Salons around the globe walked away from straightening procedures, and Brazilian straightening was a phrase that salons and marketers started to avoid.Continue reading

Food Safety Cleaning Products in China

Raising the Bar on Food Safety Cleaning Products in China as the Chinese Government Tightens its Grip on Food Safety Oversight

While the quality and safety of food is a major benchmark of the economic development of any country, in China, the first major Food Safety Law was put in effect in 2009. Four years later with worsening safety issues and after a series of critical violations, the Chinese government is placing even greater importance on food quality, safety, and hygiene with a new set of regulations affecting food quality and food production, supervision of imported and exported food products, food inspection practices, and food hygiene.Continue reading

Big Data for Big Beauty: Engaging the New Beauty Consumer

Big Data for Big Beauty: Engaging the New Beauty Consumer

“How can brands engage beauty consumers beyond demographics?”

“How can beauty brands break through the clutter?”

“How can beauty brands stay relevant as technology evolves?”

These questions were posed by students in the “Engaging the New Beauty Consumer” team from FIT’s Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management Master’s Degree Program, a think tank of innovative leadership for the beauty industry, presented at their Capstone Research Presentations last week.Continue reading