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New Treatments in the Global Nematicide Industry

Nematicide Forecast Promising as Suppliers Innovate to Meet Growers’ Needs

Despite their miniscule size, nematodes are one of the world’s most destructive agricultural pests, causing an estimated $80 billion in crop damage annually. In large part due to their proliferation, the market for nematicide products to control infestations remains robust, although somewhat fluid as formulators work to keep effective products in the marketplace as proven treatments falter due to health and environmental concerns. With a promising market andContinue reading

Rx-to-OTC Switch Forecasting Model

New Data Shows Plenty of Room for Innovators of All Sizes in OTC Market

The over-the-counter drug market is heating up as consumers turn increasingly toward self-medication in an effort to minimize out-of-pocket healthcare costs. With increasing competition from private-label products, blockbuster switches, and somewhat unconventional entries into the OTC drug business, new data reveals that while innovation doesn’t necessarily equate to superb business performance, there is plenty of room for players of all sizes and shapes in the nonprescription drugs market. More…Continue reading
Can Russia shake its dependence on energy exports?

Can Russia shake its dependence on energy exports?

Russia boasts an abundance of energy reserves, which make up a significant proportion of the country’s total commodity exports. Along with metals and other precious commodities, oil and gas exports are key contributors to the growth of the Russian economy. While energy exports generated rapid economic growth before the recession, Russia paid dearly for this dependence duringContinue reading