Region: Europe

Industrial Surfactants: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

Besides cleaning and personal care applications, surfactants are consumed for a variety of industrial applications, such as food and beverages, paints and coatings, crop protection, oilfield and mining, and lubricants. 
This report focuses on industrial applications, which often offer strong growth opportunities. They are fueled by complex, application-related drivers, the identification of which is key for building a successful, targeted business strategy.

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wax industry

Global Wax Industry: Market Analysis and Opportunities

The global supply of petroleum wax, which is derived from Group I basestock production, is declining. This is creating a vacuum in the wax market, which is increasingly being filled by synthetic and vegetable waxes. Wax demand in fast-growing markets such as PVC, paints, coatings, and adhesives is increasing, while the demand is slowing down in traditional wax applications such as candles and board sizing.
Wax end users are increasingly looking to include sustainable waxes in their production line to reduce their carbon footprints. This is expected to strengthen the transition in the wax industry toward low-carbon-intensive waxes.

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Global Lubricant Additives: Market Analysis and Opportunities

This report is a comprehensive analysis examining the global lubricant additives market. The lubricant additives industry has been challenged by supply chain issues, rising costs, and developing the next generation of EV lubricants. The study will look at the key trends, developments, changes, challenges, and business opportunities in the lubricant additives market.

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Global Business Outlook for Brightstocks

The supply of brightstocks continues to dwindle due to Group I plant closures driven by capacity overhang, technical obsolescence, and refiners’ recent pursuit of sustainability goals. Moreover, various substitutes such as Group II brightstocks and PIB are emerging. This report will focus on key trends, developments, challenges, and business opportunities in the global brightstock market.

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Global Lubricant Basestocks: Market Analysis and Opportunities

The global basestock market is undergoing various changes in the wake of transition toward sustainability, rapid capacity expansion, declining demand, and swift quality upgrades. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market covering current and future supply and demand dynamics, pricing, and manufacturing costs, helping identify opportunities and challenges in the market.

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PCMO market

The PCMO Market in 2050: A Long-Term Outlook

The transition to electric mobility remained remarkably resilient during the turbulent years of the pandemic. Sustainability concerns and rapid technological advances in the fields of electric powertrain, ride-sharing, and autonomous vehicles are key factors driving the growth of electric vehicles. The advent of electric mobility has the potential to greatly reduce the consumption of passenger car motor oils (PCMO). Emerging driving patterns and alternative car ownership models will further reduce PCMO consumption.

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