Region: Africa

Global Synthetic Lubricant Basestocks 2023 Market Analysis

A quick snapshot view of the global synthetic basestocks market and demand evolution over the next five years. The transition toward a sustainable future entails a swifter move toward the use of synthetic lubricants, which creates a faster demand for synthetic basestocks. Moreover, growing demand in terms of performance requirements favors the use of synthetic basestocks.

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Medical Dispensing Skin Care featured image

Medical-Dispensing Skin Care: ​Global Screening Assessment

The global medical dispensing skin care market is rapidly approaching the $3 billion milestone, with a year-over-year double-digit growth. The medical-dispensing channel continues to grow due to brands expanding internationally and the continued demand for non-surgical procedures supported by medical-grade products from aesthetic physicians. This report captures the market size of medical-dispensing skin care for over 65 countries globally.

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wax industry

Global Wax Industry: Market Analysis and Opportunities

The global supply of petroleum wax, which is derived from Group I basestock production, is declining. This is creating a vacuum in the wax market, which is increasingly being filled by synthetic and vegetable waxes. Wax demand in fast-growing markets such as PVC, paints, coatings, and adhesives is increasing, while the demand is slowing down in traditional wax applications such as candles and board sizing.
Wax end users are increasingly looking to include sustainable waxes in their production line to reduce their carbon footprints. This is expected to strengthen the transition in the wax industry toward low-carbon-intensive waxes.

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Global Business Outlook for Brightstocks

The supply of brightstocks continues to dwindle due to Group I plant closures driven by capacity overhang, technical obsolescence, and refiners’ recent pursuit of sustainability goals. Moreover, various substitutes such as Group II brightstocks and PIB are emerging. This report will focus on key trends, developments, challenges, and business opportunities in the global brightstock market.

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Global Lubricant Basestocks: Market Analysis and Opportunities

The global basestock market is undergoing various changes in the wake of transition toward sustainability, rapid capacity expansion, declining demand, and swift quality upgrades. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market covering current and future supply and demand dynamics, pricing, and manufacturing costs, helping identify opportunities and challenges in the market.

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Lubricants for Motorcycles, Scooters, and Mopeds 2023 thumbnail

Lubricants for Motorcycles, Scooters, and Mopeds: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

Globally, two-wheeler sales are expected to be driven by the booming e-commerce industry and e-aggregators that use these vehicles for last-mile delivery and public transportation. However, many markets have started the transition to electric mobility, which will have a negative impact on lubricant demand. This edition of the report endeavors to understand how distribution channels are evolving due to the emergence of e-commerce and electric vehicles.

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LubesNet Database

LubesNet helps assess finished lubricants demand at the global, regional, market, market segment, product type, and viscosity grade levels. LubesNet is the definitive source of identifying and quantifying industry trends and opportunities for global, regional, and independent lubricant and additive suppliers.

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