Region: Europe

Global Seed Treatment 2023 Double Volume Chem and Ag thumbnail

Seed Treatment: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

The study is a comprehensive analysis with two volumes of data, one including chemical treatments and the other covering pesticide seed treatments. It is designed to provide suppliers with the latest information on the size, structure, and outlook for seed treatments in each of the 4 regions and 12 featured countries.

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Navigating the Potential Impact of Brexit on the Chemicals and Allied Industries

Brexit stands for British exit from the European Union. In order to calm the rising Euroscepticism of his own party and of vocal rival parties, such as the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Prime Minister Cameron announced in January 2013 his intention to give U.K. voters the opportunity to decide in a referendum on whether the United Kingdom should be IN or OUT of the European Community. On June 23, 2016, the result was that the electorate voted to leave the EU by a narrow margin of 51.89% to 48.11%. In fact, the majority in England and Wales were in favor of leaving, while the majority in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain. Cameron had taken a risky gamble on the referendum and had underestimated the strength of Brexit feeling in certain parts of the United Kingdom. He paid for this miscalculation with his own political career. 

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