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How Passenger Cars -- and Passenger Car Motor Oils – Will Evolve in a Post-Pandemic World

How Passenger Cars — and Passenger Car Motor Oils – Will Evolve in a Post-Pandemic World

With a turbulent geo-political and economic environment as its background, personal mobility is struggling to adapt to a post-COVID world. In this article, Sharbel Luzuriaga, Industry Manager in our Energy division, will discuss how the collateral effects of the pandemic — including supply chain shortages and inflationary pressures — impacted the adoption rate of electric vehicles, along with the direct implications for the passenger car motor oils (PCMO) market.

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A Tale of Two The Fusion of Clean and Clinical Skin Care

A Tale of Two: The Fusion of Clean and Clinical Skin Care

Clean beauty has held many definitions over the years, and while an industry standard remains blurred, substantial progress has been made in product education and ingredient transparency courtesy of intensifying consumer demand. Those shopping for these products a decade or more ago would have found limited brand and product offerings on shelves, less accessibility across the retail landscape, and former buzzwords such as “green” and “natural” more commonplace. Today, these products perform like many of their mainstream competitors, rely on “non-toxic” and “clean” positionings, and align more closely with consumerism trends such as wellness and sustainable initiatives.

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Salon Hair Care What's Driving the Divergent Growth of Canada and the United States

Salon Hair Care: What’s Driving the Divergent Growth of Canada and the United States?

The hair care category remains the star performer in both Canada and the United States, despite the overall slowdown of the two markets. While Canada maintained its overall double-digit growth of 11% in 2022, the United States dropped significantly, from 23% growth in 2021 to only 6% in 2022. What are the key factors behind these divergent growth rates? Which companies and distribution channels are leading the way in these markets?

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The Virality of Makeup Keeps Cosmetics and Toiletries Sales Optimistic

The Virality of Makeup Keeps Cosmetics and Toiletries Sales Optimistic

The makeup industry is still booming despite inflation, and collective retail sales of eye, face, and lip products are on track to surpass $16.8 billion this year. While the last decade has been characterized by fluctuating performance for color cosmetics, consumers returning to the category and new channels of discovery have allowed makeup marketers to hit their stride once again. In 2022, retail sales for these products rose 13% according to Kline’s Cosmetics & Toiletries USA, and unlike other categories in beauty where consumer demand was relatively unchanged, makeup’s momentous year was driven by more than price hikes.

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