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Can Russia shake its dependence on energy exports?

Can Russia shake its dependence on energy exports?

Russia boasts an abundance of energy reserves, which make up a significant proportion of the country’s total commodity exports. Along with metals and other precious commodities, oil and gas exports are key contributors to the growth of the Russian economy. While energy exports generated rapid economic growth before the recession, Russia paid dearly for this dependence duringContinue reading

U.S. Market for Janitorial Cleaning Products

Competitive Dynamics Favor Ample Opportunities in the U.S. Janitorial and Housekeeping Cleaning Products Market

Consumption of janitorial and housekeeping cleaning products by commercial and institutional facilities in the United States have reached an estimated $3.6 billion in end-user dollars in 2010. The market has been affected by the economic recession, but is forecasted to grow by an average annual rate of 3.5% to reach more than $4.2 billion in 2015. Continue reading

Prominent OTC companies

Prominent OTC companies on hand at CHPA’s Market Exchange

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and nutritional supplements play an increasingly vital role in America’s healthcare system. Sales continue to grow in spite of the recent recession, as customers seek cost-effective treatment options. Some OTC categories have even benefited from the economic downturn.Continue reading