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Clean Label: Top 3 Largest Ingredient Categories in the United States

Clean Label: Top 3 Largest Ingredient Categories in the United States

For a product to be considered a clean-label one, ingredients are the main consideration. There are no current scientific, legal, or regulatory definitions for clean-label ingredients.  However, three main criteria are generally followed to recognize an ingredient as clean label: Ingredients should be naturally derived, non-GMO, and easily recognizable or do not have a chemical-sounding name.  Continue reading

Hybrid Professional Hair Products Scale Up

Despite the world slowing down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hair care consumers are still seeking that always-elusive goal: an easier, no-fuss maintenance routine. In responsemanufacturers have put extra emphasis on this space, recently introducing hybrid products that combine multiple forms or benefits in one product. Continue reading

The State of the Salon Industry in Key Markets

[VIDEO] The State of the Salon Industry in Key Markets

The salon hair care industry is showing positive signs of recovery after one of the most challenging years in history. As we prepare to release new data on more than 30 markets across the globe, our salon hair care experts are offering a sneak peek into some of the latest developments in three key countries. To watch a video version of this blog, follow The State of the Salon Industry in Key Markets.Continue reading

Healthcare KlinePULSE Immune Support

Immune Support Has Been Accelerated by the Pandemic

While prevention and boosting immunity have always been important tools in selfcare, since the COVID-19 pandemic started in the United States in March 2020, consumers have wholeheartedly embraced using various vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other products to ward off illness and help support their immune systems.  Immune support products can span multiple product types but typically include one or more of the following: 
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Seed Treatment Market Adapting to Changes

How is the Seed Treatment Market Adapting to Changes? 

The seed treatments market is one of the most resilient and consistently growing markets within the global agrochemicals industry. Currently estimated to be worth almost USD 4.5 billion across 12 key countries, as analyzed by Kline  and growing at a CAGR of 3.1% annually  the market sector has proven to be a lucrative industry for agrochemical manufacturers and distributors. However, it has been challenged to change due to various factors.   

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Kline PRO - Salon Industry

Salon Snapshot: What Was Up in 2020?

As we are all acutely aware, 2020 was a year like no otherThe COVID-19 pandemic affected all aspects of everyday life, and it certainly took a toll on the salon industryInterestingly, the year started out on a promising note: Kline PRO Pulse reports that for independent salons, January and February product sales indexed at just over 100, and service revenues stood at 96of the prior yearAfter this, everything changed. Mass closures, including salons, began in late March, and it was not until May and June that salons could re-open and offer some glimpse of hope that things may eventually be okay for the industry Continue reading

Clean Label Infographic

Navigating How U.S. Consumers Perceive “Clean” in Food and Beverages

As consumers pay an increasing amount of attention to health and well-being, they also focus on clean or green labels. The specific definition of “clean” is still open to various interpretations from consumersAlthough regardless of how they describe the term, food and beverage brands take notice and label products with specific claims to appeal to consumers.

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