Industry: Healthcare

The Consumer Self-Care Explosion

The Consumer Self-Care Explosion: Implications and Opportunities for Wellness and Treatment Products

  THE CONSUMER SELF-CARE EXPLOSION: Implications and Opportunities forWellness and Treatment Products Complimentary Whitepaper Over the last six years, we have seen an evolution and broadening of actions that consumers have adopted, in varying degrees, to take better care of themselves. In particular, the 2020 pandemic intensified the resolve of most all consumers to do something to care

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Plant-Based Solutions for Heart Health

A growing flexitarian, vegan, and vegetarian population is projected to positively impact the global plant-based industry in the coming years. Listen to this webinar to get an overview of macro trends for natural products: careful reading of labels, green and sustainable lifestyles, and vegan and flexitarian diets.

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[TREND 19] Transformation of Supply Chains

[TREND 19] Transformation of Supply Chains The COVID-19 pandemic has caused trade disruptions. One example is the global pharmaceutical industry, which is dependent on China’s exports, as the country is the largest producer of pharmaceutical ingredients. With the virus’ outbreak in China and lockdown impositions, followed by international transportation restrictions, the raw material supply for

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Beauty Nutrition Thumbnail

Beauty Nutrition: U.S. Market Brief

With the pandemic continuing, beauty nutrition has gained momentum as consumers explore new areas of beauty centered around improving health and wellness. Companies, both in the beauty and wellness realms, are presenting consumers with a multitude of options such as drinks, powders, and capsules designed to nourish skin, hair, and nails from the inside out. ​

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