Consumer Markets for Pesticides and Fertilizers Thumbnail

Consumer Markets for Pesticides and Fertilizers: U.S. Market Analysis and Opportunities

Base Year: 2022
Forecasts to 2027
Published:​ July 2023
Regional Coverage: United States

This study is structured in three parts: Industry Analysis, Supplier Profiles, and Homeowner Survey. The Homeowner Survey provides details from more than 1,500 homeowners regarding their pesticide and fertilizer use.


  • Report analysis provides market size, company shares, sales by product type, and distribution patterns, plus forecasts for 11 product categories​
  • Profiles of approximately 40 leading suppliers, distributors, and brands of consumer pesticides and fertilizers​
  • New products, generic products, natural products, and alternative methods of control
  • Provides an analysis of homeowner use patterns for 11 product categories, including retail outlets and pest problems controlled​
  • Updates on key mergers and acquisitions over the past two years​
  • Homeowner use of pest control and lawncare services versus DIY treatment

Table of Contents

Volume 1: Business Analysis 


Industry Overview

  • Market description ​
  • Sales by region​
  • Sales by product category ​
  • Sales by application​
  • Active ingredients​
  • Private-label activity ​
    • − Competition ​
    • − Distribution ​
    • − Advertising ​
    • − Government regulations ​
    • − Outlook
  • Forecast sales to 2027


  • Lawn fertilizers​
  • Garden fertilizers​
  • Houseplant fertilizers


  • Lawn herbicides​
  • Garden and nonselective herbicides


  • Outdoor insecticides​
  • Household and houseplant insecticides​
  • Pet insecticides​
  • Insect repellent



Distributor, Brand, and Supplier Profiles

Volume 2: Consumer/Retail Survey 

Results and Profiles 


Consumer Overview

  • Pesticides by region​
  • Household purchasing ​
  • Brand recollection


  • Lawn fertilizers​
  • Garden fertilizers​
  • Houseplant fertilizers


  • Lawn herbicides​
  • Garden and nonselective herbicides


  • Lawn and garden insecticides ​
  • Outdoor non-plant insecticides​
  • Houseplant insecticides ​
  • Household insecticides ​
  • Pet insecticides

Other Products

  • Rodenticides ​
  • Insect repellants​
  • Fungicides

Subscriber Benefits

This report provides subscribers with a highly reliable and independent assessment of the size and scope of the consumer pesticide and fertilizer market at both the market and end-user level. The Business Analysis segment details the sales and use patterns of consumers for 11 different market segments. The report will also:

  • Profile approximately 40 suppliers, brands, and leading distributors of consumer pesticides and fertilizers
  • Provide sales by product type and product form, as well as estimates of active ingredient volumes
  • Identify new product introductions by company and provide five-year forecasts with historic and estimated growth by product category

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