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Natural Gas Engine Oils
Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

Regional Coverage: Global

Base Year: 2021
Published: May 2022

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Base Year: 2024
To be Published: Q4 2024

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Natural Gas Engine Oils: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities provides a comprehensive independent appraisal of the non-transport NGEO market in the context of improving gas engine technology, changing environmental regulations, growing demand in key applications, and the impact of green energy on the natural gas market.


  • Assessment of the current and projected demand for NGEO globally and in select markets in non-transport applications
  • Analysis of NGEO demand by product type (two-stroke, and four-stroke), formulation (ashless, mid ash, and low ash) and viscosity grade
  • Analysis of demand by key market
  • Overview of the natural gas market in terms of sources, infrastructure, applications, and demand
  • Evaluation of market trends and impact of regulations
  • Evaluation of the impact from new green energy sources and supply shifts away from Russian gas
  • Analysis and evaluation of market opportunities and trends


Table of Contents


Executive Summary

An overview of report findings

Country Profiles

Detailed profiles of leading country markets (to be decided) include the following information:

  • Economic background
  • Natural gas market overview
    • - Applications of natural gas
    • - Regulations
    • - Market trends
  • Natural gas engine market overview
    • - Installed capacity by MW rating
    • - Major OEMs
    • - Key applications and competition with gas turbines
    • - Market trends, including technology issues
  • NEGO market overview
    • - Properties, specifications, and applications
    • - Demand split by product type and viscosity grade
    • - Maintenance and purchasing practices
    • - Key suppliers
    • - Market trends, including the impact of new green energy sources
  • Market outlook
    • - NGEO demand drivers and restraints
    • - Market opportunities and challenges


Tentative List of Countries Covered
Asia ​Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan
Europe France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Turkey, United Kingdom
Americas ​Brazil, Canada, Mexico, United States

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