Opportunities in Grease 2024 thumbnail

Opportunities in Grease Market

Base Year: 2023
To be Published: Q3 2024
Focus: Global and Regional

What questions should you be asking to "Re-grease your grease strategy"?

  • Is your market focus aligned with the evolving trends?
    • - Which are the key regions and sectors that offer higher growth opportunities?
    • - What are the new emerging opportunities for greases, for example, EVs, Wind – which offer higher value potential
  • Is your product portfolio attuned to hardware and raw material changes?
    • - How are the grease formulations evolving in the backdrop of technology advancements, mega trends, regulatory changes and inflationary trends of raw materials??
  • How are the control points shifting in the value chain?
    • - How is the competitive landscape changing for greases?
    • - Which stakeholders are key influencers and decision makers? How does this vary by sector?
  • Are your supply chains future-proof?
    • - Captive versus contract manufacturing options at a regional/country level to reduce supply chain costs and address portfolio gaps?
    • - Are you aware of inorganic growth opportunities?

Global Grease Market Overview: Market Landscape

  • Which are the key regions/markets for grease consumption and what is the demand outlook?
  • Key country market focus: China, USA, India, Japan, Germany
  • Which are the key end-use application sectors? What are the preferred grease types in key sectors like Off highway, On-highway, Passenger cars (including BEV), Primary Metals (Steel), Wind?
  • What is the demand segmentation by thickener and base oil types?
  • What are the key trends, disruptions impacting the grease market?

Grease Product Implications: Inter-Product Competition Lens

  • What is the general direction of innovation in greases?
  • How are the market players reacting to inflationary and regulatory concerns over lithium greases?
  • Which types of greases will be preferred by emerging technologies, new equipment?
  • How are fill-for-life trends placing extra needs on grease formulations both in automotive and industrial applications?

Grease Value Chain: Key Influencers in the Value Chain

  • What are the key components of the grease value chain?
  • Who are the key influencers or decision makers?
  • Who are the key suppliers of greases? What is their area of strength?
  • What kind of influence is exerted by equipment OEMs/suppliers of Tier 1 components like bearings for example?




Changing Supply Chain Needs: Explore Avenues for Organic/Inorganic Growth

  • How does the evolving inter-material competition in greases impact your manufacturing footprint? Will it require any process changes, greenfield investments or new partnerships?
  • What are the outsourcing options for grease manufacturing across different countries?
  • How are grease manufacturers trying to make their manufacturing process more sustainable? How are digital tools assisting in manufacturing optimization?

Table of Contents

Geographic Scope

  • Global
  • Regional: NA, SA, EMEA, Asia
  • Focus Countries for deep-dive
    • - USA
    • - China
    • - Japan
    • - India
    • - Germany
  • Key Sector focus
    • - Passenger cars; BEV
    • - Off highway: Mining, Construction, Agriculture
    • - On-Highway: focusing on heavy & medium trucks (excludes light commercial)
    • - Industrial: Primary Metals(Steel) & Wind

Key Topics

  • Quantitative Insights
    • - Market size in KT for 2023 and forecast for 2028
    • - Demand segmentation by thickener types and base oil types
    • - Demand segmentation by key auto and industrial sectors
    • - Market Share of key grease suppliers
    • - Database of grease manufacturers in 22 markets
  • Qualitative Insights
    • - Key trends: Mega trends, sector trends, product and technology trends
    • - Grease value chain analysis: influencers and decision makers
    • - Key customer needs in key sectors
    • - Competition related insights: innovation, marketing etc.

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